Sunday, September 18, 2011

Video Blog = VLOG - October 10, 2010

This waterproof video camera is CRAZY cool!  We’ve used it quite a bit in the last month and Ted has put together a little montage of my surfing.  It's super melodramatic - you gotta do something to spice it up when the surfing isn't exactly a Wow Fest - and he went for a Spike Lee thing with his entry. 
When he was looking for a good song to use for the soundtrack, I think he was inspired by my Irish dancer-esque dismounts (you'll see what I mean).  Some people think river dance when they hear this kind of music.  Ted, evidently, thinks surf video.


  1. GG & I just watched this since she is in love with surf footage...long story. :) She danced to the music and clapped. Love the clips and editing and song choice, please tell Tederino. :)

  2. Very Cool surfing! And apparently, video production is in Ted's blood!
